Licking County
& Families First Council

Service Coordination and High-Fidelity Wraparound
These voluntary, team-based planning processes are child-centered and family-focused, and build on the strengths and needs of the child and family to guide the types and mix of services to be provided. It is critical that services and supports are responsive to the cultural, racial, and ethnic needs and beliefs of the family. To refer a family to Licking County’s CFFC Service Coordination/High Fidelity Wraparound process, contact the Multi-Systems Services Supervisor, Melanie Fling, at 740-670-8916.
Licking County Children & Families First Council's Early
Childhood Clinical Committee and Older Youth Clinical Committee
Licking County Children and Families First Council's Early Childhood Clinical Committee (ECCC) created two videos to help provide an explanation of what our Clinical Committees can do for the community.
This first video is an introduction of each agency representative involved with Clinical Committees through the Children and Family First Council. This video will help viewers understand who is on our Clinical Committees and what their agencies do for our families in the community.
Licking County Children and Families First Council Early Childhood Clinical Committee and older youth Clinical Committee Mock Consultation Video
Licking County Children and Families First Council's Early Childhood Clinical Committee (ECCC) created two videos to
help provide an explanation of what our Clinical Committees
can do for the community.
If a practitioner or provider needs resources to support a family, they are invited to come to a meeting and
brainstorm with our ECCC or older youth Clinical
Committee members. This second video is a mock consultation designed to familiarize you with the process
so that you are more likely to request a consultation and
feel confident in explaining the process to the family.
Licking County's ENGAGE Leadership Committee works with partners to ensure a successful transition of older youth to adulthood. ENGAGE meetings provide a forum for providers to share information about the services they offer to Licking County children and families, especially the resources that are important to older youth and young adults. The committee also created a pocket resource guide that provides information on local resources and helpful apps., and a Resource binder that provides more detailed information and resources to help youth become independent. Resource binder contents include:
Verifications- Birth Certificate, Social Security Card
Medical-Medical care/Medical Card/Insurance Info, Sexual Health, Health Care Power of Attorney
Education and Selective Service- Transcript, FAFSA info, GED, IEP/504 Plan, Selective Service
Housing- What you need to know when looking for housing, Landlord lists, Vacant Unit List, Roommate Questionnaire, Basic Household necessities, Apartment (Home) Maintenance, Fair Market Rent info., Ohio Landlord &Tenant Law, Bridges program for youth who have emancipated out of foster care.
Important Things to Know - Drivers License, Vehicle Upkeep, Money Saving Tips, Budgeting, Consumer Protection, Taxes
Community Resources -Pocket Resources Guide, Public Assistance, Food pantries,
Phone minutes
Pregnancy and Parenting resources, Library resources
Programs for children and families

Complex Medical Help Program (CMH)
CMH assists Licking County families with children who have eligible conditions including: Chronic Pulmonary Disease, Diabetes, Juvenile Arthritis, Cystic Fibrosis, Cancer, Cleft Lip/Palate, Cerebral Palsy, Hemophilia, Spina Bifida, Hearing Loss, Heart Defects and Seizure disorders.

Licking County Health Department
LCHD supports maternal and child health through Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)-
supplemental foods, health care referrals and nutrition education for low-income pregnant and postpartum women and children up to age five; breastfeeding support; Early Head Start Home Visiting; Child safety seats; Cribs for Kids; Moms Quit for Two tobacco cessation, and

Childbirth and Parenting Education
Licking Memorial Hospital (LMH) offers childbirth and parenting programs that prepare expectant mothers, their coaches and families for labor, delivery and postpartum care, newborn and infant care, and breastfeeding. Other classes include Boot Camp for New Dads, Sibling Preparation and Grandparenting classes. For more information or to register, call (220) 564-3388, email or register online at

Flying Colors Public School Preschool
Flying Colors Public Preschool offers early learning experiences to give your child an academic and social advantage for success in school and in life. Our schools offers preschool and readiness programs for children age three to six. Each site is fully-licensed by the Ohio Department of Education.

LAPP provides integrated treatment and recovery services for individuals and families experiencing behavioral health issues including alcohol and drug-related problems. Adolescent services include assessments, individual and group counseling. Basic alcohol and drug education is also offered.

LEADS Head Start
LEADS Head Start/Early Head Start is a leader in Early Childhood Education. Through an alliance of families, staff and community, we foster an environment of diversity to celebrate individuality and inner strength while promoting life-long learning to sustain the development of good citizenship. Early Head Start home-visiting is for children under age 3, and Head Start is a center based program.

Licking Co. Board of Developmental Disabilities
We support families with children birth through age 21 who experience developmental delays, or children birth to age 3 with a mental or physical condition that is likely to result in a delay. We offer service coordination to help plan for the future and find service options, family support services and other resources.

Mental Health America of Licking County
Free parenting classes offered day or evening; various topics relating to specific problem behaviors. Evidenced based programs are used including Parenting Inside Out and Triple P, which gives parents simple tips to help manage the big and small problems of family life.

Pathways of Central Ohio
Active Parenting First 5 Years for parents of young children, Active Parenting for parents of children ages 5 to 12, and Active Parenting Teens for parents of pre-teens & teens-
Workshops use videos, activities and group discussion to teach important skills for parenting.
Incredible Years programs give parents and caregivers strategies to help children start school ready to learn.

The Woodlands
The Woodlands provides many different services to families and children in our community. Our services are designed to meet the physical, psychological and emotional needs of people facing challenges. The Center for New Beginnings Shelter & Services, Helping Children Succeed After Divorce Seminar, and more.

YouthMOVE Ohio
YouthMOVE is a national youth led organization devoted to improving services and systems that support positive growth and development by uniting the voices of individuals who have lived experience in various systems including mental health, juvenile justice, education and child welfare